Evaluation pattern of the long jump performance in terms of physical and motor abilities for primary pupils aged (11.12 years)

Mohamad Jassim Al-Yassiry, Hudhaifah Ibrahim Al Harbi, Zaid Ali Hadi


In order to achieve the objectives of the study, to know the level of physical and motor abilities which directly contribute to the performance of the long jump for pupils aged (11 and 12 years) as well as to identify the amount of the relationship (strength and direction) between these capacities and technical performance of the skill (long jump), the researchers tested a set of tests concerned with the physical and motor abilities in the main experiment for the amount of sample (50) pupils and the abilities are (transitional speed, explosive power of legs muscles, fitness, compatibility, and kinetic flexibility). In addition, we were imaged the performance of the long jump skill. All the data of measurement and test were taken and treated statistically to see the reality level of the study sample in capacities and technical performance of the skill and nature of the relationship between each of them.
The results indicate a good distribution of the sample at each test and that there is a significant correlation between technical performance results for pupils in the long jump skill and enjoyed physical and kinetic capabilities, and such a result allowed the researchers to devise a predictive equation by which quantification for the technical performance of the long jump skill in terms of what pupils got it in the physical and motor abilities.

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