The Effect of a training course by using the competition exercises (similar to the real playing) in developing the skills of handing over and shooting for the youth players in handball)

Hatam shawkat, Nazar Nadhom, Essam Hashim


There is no doubt that the required factors to guarantee the success of the training process are depending basically on the mechanism of preparing and arranging the training courses which are compatible with the scientific bases and suitable with the abilities of the player to lead him to the higher level generally . This task needs for the coach to seek for the best ways . Techniques and training methods when he set up the training courses that may perform the required achievement . From this point the problem of the research is hidden in the importance of developing the skills of handball for the youth players to get the higher level in the performance. The scientific progress plays an important role in supporting the training process by many ways to help the couch and the trainee in activating , accelerating and improving the performance to achieve the target from the training process and encouraging to use the modern ways and techniques in increasing an active participation as well as saving the effort and time to go along with the fast development in this game. The researchers noticed that the used trainings in the game are lacking the excitement and thrill which are considered the main motive to the higher performance , and in spite of that the game of handball is considered from the group games , they noticed that the used exercises are lacking to the soul of the group work in the players. They also concluded that the training course has a positive effect in improving the skills of handing over and shooting for the youth players and in according to the results , the researchers put a number of recommendations and the most impartment of them is to use the competing exercises (similar to the read match) in learning and training the basic skills in handball.

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