The Effect of Cooperative Learning Using Kagan's Question Cube Strategy on the Acquisition of the Underhand Serving and Overhead Passing Skills, and the Cognitive Achievement in Volleyball for Fifth Grade Primary School Pupils

Saeed Ghani Nouri


The aim of the research is to prepare and apply a teaching method within the cooperative learning approach, using Kagan's strategy of question cubes in the acquisition of the underhand serving and overhead passing skills, as well as the cognitive achievement of the fifth grade pupils at thePort Said Primary School in Maysan province for the academic year 2017-2018. The researcher concluded upon the effectiveness of using this particular method in the acquisition of the underhand serving and overhead passing skills, as well as their cognitive achievement. This method provided stimulators and alternatives which helped the learners gain important information about these skills, apart from the development of creative thinking and cognitive achievement. The researcher concluded that this learning method is better that the traditional one, and recommended that this method should be applied to all other school grades in the teaching of various skills as well as in other lessons.

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