Defining the level of aggressive behaviors among students of fourth middle school year during the session of physical education and sports Field of study conducted at the level state of Bouira’s middle schools "West"

Mazin Hadi Kazr, Serbout Abdelmalik, Brahimi Mabrouk


The study aimed to determine the level of aggressive behaviors among students of fourth
middle school year during the session of physical education and sports, where the study was
conducted on a sample of 90 students out of 450 students, they were selected in a simple random
manner, which means 20%, however, descriptive method was followed through the distribution of
aggressive behaviors measurement on students. The SPSS 23 program was used to analyze the
results of the study. In the end, the results of the study showed that the level of aggressive behavior
among students is average. Therefore, the researchers recommended the need to conduct research
and future studies to investigate the manifestations and causes of aggressive behavior in other age
groups that were not targeted by this study, and to educate the family on how to deal with their
children since the first stages of growth., because Aggressive behavior may sometimes be acquired
from the family.

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