The relationship of motor flow and some kinematic variables with precision of the Backhand stroke of the national team Badminton

Hudhaifa Ibrahim Khaleel, Bashaer Hashem Abdul Wahid Abdul Wahid


The importance of the research has been shown that player's performance in a smooth flow and exerted appropriate strength for the working muscles at the required speed, this will lead to improving the performance of the skill of the rear dimensional blow. It had restricted the research issue to the apparent effect of the joints and related muscles, that associated with the working body parts that affect the motor performance of the skill, for the lack of investment and employment of this effect, which represented by the mechanical flow between the body parts and kinetic transition between its parts. In addition, Investing the strength from the start of the movement to the end of the blow, principally between the lower limbs, the trunk, and the strike arm. It leads to performance failure and then slows down movement and inefficiency. The aims of the research is to:
Identify the relationship between the flowchart indicator and some kinematic variables, with the accuracy of the backhand stroke skill, for the Iraqi national team players in badminton.
The researchers used the descriptive approach in the style of relationships associative. According to the research, the community determines the players of the Iraqi national team, as men's badminton, which are six players who represent the research sample.
The researchers use scientific methods to collect information, in addition devices and tools fundamental for research requirements. For that the researchers conducted a preliminary experiment to identify the difficulties and then legally conducted a backhand stroke test), the kinematic variables affecting performance for skill were determined. Finally, the researchers photographed the performance in order to extract the mechanical variables, and use the statistical bag (spss) for the purpose of statistical data processing.
It has been concluded that kinematics has a major effect on the result of performance and accuracy of skill.
The researchers also recommend the requirement to train players and develop mechanical means and solutions which can improve the performance and flow of movement of the skill by controlling the exciting mechanical variables and the sequence of their performance clearly and better

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