Skill performance for team games in terms of fluid intelligence among students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science - University of Babylon
Physical education and sports science abound in many theoretical and applied sciences and individual and group games, and one of the most important theoretical sciences is sports psychology, which is concerned
with researching psychological aspects and associated with sports activity in its various fields and levels as well as looking at the psychological characteristics and features of the athlete, which constitute the self-basis of sports activity in order to develop it and try to find Scientific solutions to its various applied problems. For the purpose of achieving the athlete's goals, aspirations and aspirations, there must be proper care in the process of preparing mathematically students, and knowledge of intelligence, its characteristics and dimensions in general, and fluid intelligence in particular for the student can contribute to developing his abilities and considering him a valuable member because he is the basis of society and its leaders. Since the university stage is a stage of preparation for students from all mental and professional aspects, the progress of nations depends mainly on the dynamic and energetic university students who represent future leaders. Therefore, the university student, including students of colleges of physical education, is in urgent need of their enjoyment of the features and skills of fluid intelligence in addition to their mental, physical, and skill capabilities, and thus the integration of students' personality from the cognitive and intellectual aspects so that they are able to face different educational situations and problems.
Keywords : Skill Performance, Team Games, Fluid Intelligence.Full Text:
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