Effect of special training to develop the performance of the movements of the legs and its relationship to the achievement of the breast- stroke activity 100m for the youth (un16 years)

Hayder Mohammed Abd-Alhadi, Samer Monsour



Through of the researchers observation the performance of local swimmers, they  found that their performance is increasing in the strength and speed of the arms   style  in swimming on the breast-stroke compared to the legs and that the performance of swimmers depends on the movements of the arms significantly compared to the legs and this led to a decrease in the level of achievement of the event, especially in the effectiveness of the lower limb is highly effect compared to the rest of the swimming events And not to put a suitable mechanism by the trainers to perform in the best way.

so the researchers prepared a study through the introduction of qualitative exercises on the sample consisting of 3swimmers in breast stroke style   with new assist training(rundles , bike and rubber ropes to develop the technical performance of the lower limb in accordance with the requirements of performance of the effectiveness of swimming according to the variables of the length of the stroke and its frequency which affects greatly in the performance of swimmers in the short distances(100m).

The researchers have found a large relationship between the length of the stroke  and the movements of the legs and thus its effect on achievement, and the researchers have used the pre,post- tests and applied the program and then conducted the researchers reached some conclusions and recommendations including :

-         performance of the strokes of the legs of the lower party and its relationship to the achievement :

-         the relationship between the variable length of the movements of the legs and the exercises of the legs was Significant.

-         The relationship between the variable frequency of the movements of the legs and the exercises of the legs was not  Significant.

-         The relationship between the variable length of the movements of the legs with the achievement Significant .

-         focus  on the training programs to the length of the movements of the legs as a variable has a great closeness in the development of performance as are the movements of the arms.

-         Take care  by selecting swimmers to those who have the length and speed of the frequency of the movements of the legs.

-         Focus on the verity of the exercises and how could the swimmers training  daily in units to make large advantage development in the variables on this study.

Keywords : special training, breast- stroke activity 100m.

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