Pre- and Post-Exercise Changes of Salivary Cortisol as a Response to Heavily Training among Students of Physical Education College in Karbala University

Aziz Karim, Wisam Salah, Ali Mihsen, Abeer Ali


Cortisol, the principal glucocorticoids in humans, plays a major role in metabolism and immune function. A cute exercise induces a change in plasma cortisol concentrations, which is dependent on the type of exercise. Several studies have investigated the effect of both acute and chronic resistance exercise on adrenocortical function. This study was designed to determine the level of salivary cortisol as a stress related hormone during pre- and post- exercise in college student- athletes. 10 males subjects (college student- athletes) were measured for height, weight, the general features of the participants are: Mean ±SD Age (year) 22 ± 2.79 Weight (Kg) 70.5±8.46, Height (Cm) 175.34±7.12, Three milliliters of un-stimulated total saliva was collected via passive drooling, at the beginning of each testing session (without stimulation, by spitting directly into a plastic tube), 5 min before, 5 min after the end of the match. The results showed a significant increase the salivary cortisol level between post and pre- exercise and there was a strong association between increase salivary cortisol concentration and heavier exercise. During the course of a competitive season collegiate soccer players are exposed to a number of physical and psychological stressors from practice, conditioning, and competition. The ability of players to recover following such activities can ultimately affect the ability of the performance for ensuring physical activity. We conclude that participation in competition has an accumulative effect on salivary cortisol concentration.

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