Trace of using Competition Attitudes to Develop Coordination, Agility, and Accuracy for the Young Players in Handball
Motor capacities are one of the main important components in training the handball activity and participant in a significant ratio to the performance requirements for the skills of the game because they have an excellence role with most of skills and have a significant important in the training lessons, they are basic that the coach depends on them to place the objectives of his training lessons in which connected with other physical characteristics to be the spine of the game and most of player movements reliant on them. In general can’t dispense with motor capacities in player training, especially younger’s. One of the important skills in handball is leaning shot skill; its performance is distinguished by high level of physical and motor features, the importance of this skill is prominent in the final match and the study aimed to prepare exercises to the competition attitudes to develop agility, coordination, and leaning shot in handball, in addition, identified effect of competition attitudes exercises to develop agility, coordination, and leaning shot in handball. The researcher used experimental approach (equal groups) and the sample of the study consists of (20) young players from players of specialist center in the Qassim young forum, study sample divided into two equal groups experiment and control. After completing pre-tests and make sure equal of study groups in independent variations, experimental group underwent to the training program included (18) training unit, three times a week then post-tests and statistical analysis by using SPSS system are performed, the researcher concluded that competition attitudes have a positive effect to develop some of agility and coordination for the handball players as well as competition attitudes have an impact in developing of the leaning shot.
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