Relationship explosive power and motor speed of the upper limbs for some attacking skills in Badminton for Iraq’s youth team
Attacking skills in badminton physically depend on two fundamental requirements are explosive power and motor speed, the literatures of sports training today are when increasing the level of physical and motor abilities of the player contribute to raise the level of technical performance of skills and particularly attacking skills because they require the speed and the power of performance to resolve the results and earn points, so it is clear and natural that there would be a correlation between those skills and physical requirements such as (explosive power and motor speed), through the experience of the researcher because he is a player and coach felt that he must attempt seriously and scientifically to stand on the nature of the relationship between explosive power and motor speed of the upper limbs and level of the technical performance of the attacking skills. Study aimed to identify the level of explosive power and motor speed and the level of technical performance for front smash skill and smash skill over the head of young badminton players as well as understand the relationship between the explosive power and motor speed and the level of technical performance for front smash skill and smash skill over the head of young badminton players. Study community included Iraq’s youth Badminton team and has been selected a sample by intentional way totaling (6) the researcher used the descriptive approach to suitability of the nature of the goals of the study, conclusions of the study confirmed the existence of a correlation between the level of technical performance of attacking skills (the explosive power and motor speed).
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