Relationship of speed of dynamic response and capabilities to the level of the counter-attack performance in fencing

Isam Talib


Fencer needs an important physical and dynamic capabilities, for example, balance, compatibility, accuracy, lounge motor speed, motor speed of arm armed, the ability of cognitive and compatibility of arm armed, the front leg, and other of capabilities. So, present study aimed to know the relationship of speed of dynamic response and capabilities to the level of the counter-attack performance in fencing. The study was conducted on twelve youth male fencing players. A descriptive design was used due to it is suitable to the nature of the research. Speed of dynamic response was measured by a mobility response test and compatibility was measured by compatibility among the eye and the hand test, whereas counter attack was measured by evaluate the time of suspension hit and counter-attack test. Statistical analysis showed a significant relation (p, 0.05) between dynamic response value of (2.7, ±0.22) and compatibility between eye and hand value of (11.2, ±1.82) and stop hit value of (8.85, ±1.78). Moreover, it appeared a significant relation (P, 0.05) among dynamic response value of (2.9, ±0.25) and compatibility between eye and hand value of (11.3, ±1.84) and a counter attack value of (8.87, ±1.80). Study concluded that players showed high correlation between speed of motor response and compatibility between eye and hand and stop hit time and counter-attack time in a subject research.

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