Comparison Some Indicators of Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacities Among Team Games Players

Mahmoud D. Al-Rubaie



Study aimed to investigate the comparison some indicators of aerobic and anaerobic capacities among team games players because there has been lack of information on a comparative study between team games players. Forty players aged (20.07, ±0.80) subdivided into (10=Basketball, 10=Volleyball, 10=Football, 10=Handball) were voluntarily participated in the present study. Descriptive research design was used due to it is suitable to the nature of the study. The tests, for example, 10 second step test, 30 second step test, 3 minute queens test, and PWC170 were applied to assess the player’s aerobic and anaerobic capacities. Data was analyzed by mean, standard deviation, percentage, skewness coefficient, and correlation coefficient. Results exposed that were no significantly differences among means of aerobic and anaerobic abilities. There were high significantly differences in PWC170 between player’s team games, where handball players were higher than football and basketball players were higher than volleyball. Study concluded that players who had a good level of aerobic abilities, they were characteristic with continuous activity and speed and strength movements. Moreover, depleted energy through the actual performance was at the level of one in efficiency for the team games players as a result of the level of similarity in aerobic and anaerobic abilities.

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