Comparison some of Biomechanics Variables to Jump Shot from a 45° Angle from the Area of the Three Points in Front of the Defender or without for the Player and Ball in Basketball. Analytical Research

Diar Mohammad



Present study aimed to comparison some of biomechanics variables to jump shot from a 45° angle from the area of the three points in front of the defender for the player and ball in basketball. Descriptive research design method with two styles such as analytical and comparison was used to conduct current study because it is suitable to the nature of the study.5 players of advanced category represented a Serwan Noy club at Sulaimaniah City. Jump shot from a 45° angle in front of the defender or without. Researcher analyzed the attempt in which the ball goes in of ring directly without touch the ring after back from board. Mean, standard deviation, and independent T-test were used to analyze the results of present study. Study concluded a significant difference in angle of the shoulder joint variable at the moment the ball left the hand and in favor of shot in front of defender but no significant difference in ball and body angles variables between two cases in front of defender or without. In addition, no significant difference was shown in kinematic variables of the player and ball between two cases the shot in front of defender and without but in favor of shot without defender. There was a deficiency in subjects in a variable of maximum height of the body mass gravity center in shooting in front of the defender, who is supposed to be higher than the case of the shooting without a defender.

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