Effect of Additional Weights Training on Some Physiological and Biochemical Markers of Iraqi Women’s Football Team

Nawal M. Jassim



This study was developed to find out the effect of additional weights training on some physiological and biochemical markers of Iraqi womens football team. A total of 22 women football players aged (30-35) year volunteered for the study, were divided (n=11) into two groups (intervention and control group). The training program included transition speed and jumping skills exercises with additional weight ranging from (8% to 11%), and were completed 10 week; 2 training units a week; 90m per unit. Selected physiological and biochemical markers were measured at 0.05 of significant level and at the end of pre and post training. Results of current study were a significant increase (P<0.05) in calcium, magnesium, ferrum, glucose, and phosphor in intervention group when compare to control group. However, no significant change was found in heart rate, high and low pressure after training program in two groups due to 10 week of the training is not enough to improve physiological variables. In conclusion current study would provide advantageous information for effect of additional weight training time on women football players in physiological and biochemical markers.


Keywords:  additional weights training; physiological and biochemical markers; women football.

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