Effect of using angles graded rings on learning jumping shot and free shot skills in basketball

Mohamad Salih, Mohanad Faisal Salman, Omar F.



The aim of study is to learn and improve level of jumping shot and free shot skills in basketball through using assistance instrument (angles graded rings) and test of its impact. 20 students of first class of faculty of education (physical education department)\ University of Samara were participated in present study and assigned in two groups (experiment and control), study was used an experimental approach design method due to it is suitable to achieve aims of the study. Experimental group used assistance instrument and the period of teaching approach was a one month divided in eight learning units, two units a weak (Sunday and Wednesday). Data of study was analyzed by using means, standard deviations, and T test, moreover, we achieved pre and post-tests to collect the data. Study concluded that used assistance instrument had a positive impact on teaching and improving level of jumping shot skill as well as free shot which was developed clearly as a result of using assistance instrument. Finally we found that teaching approaches have an active role on teaching sport skills but in different ratios according to used methods. 


Keywords: Graded rings, shot, basketball, learning, jumping shot skill.

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