The Effect of Proposed Teaching Curriculum in the Development Speed and Accuracy Performance of some Types of Shooting for Juniors Players of Handball

Samir yousif Mutib



The shooting skill in handball varied performance, types and requirements imposed by the position of the different play and all of them share there quisite speed and accuracy in performance. Through the Notes researchers being handball coaches found weakness in the performance of shooting types ofjunior playersin terms of performance with accuracy andhigh speedinsame time andthis is position requirement duringthe match withthe defendersas well asgoalkeeperfor the purpose ofscoring goalsonthe opposing team. So thiscame as result oflack of coaches’ interest by the teachthis skillaccording tothese requirements. As well as thetests usedto measure the types of shootingdepends on measure the accuracy withoutspeedwhichlead toincorrect results. Therefore, the first aim was knowingthe effect ofthe teaching curriculumin the development speed and accuracy performance of some shooting types in handball (shooting from the pivot and the level o the head, shooting from high jumping, Shooting from front falling). The second aim wasthe development of shooting tests to measure the speed and accuracy of shooting in same time. The researcher used the experimental research by groups'equal design. The sample research consisted of (20) players from the junior at the center specialist than dballin Babylon city. The researchers used some of shooting tests to measure the skills at the pre-test and post- test. After that, the results were analyzed by some of statistic means such as, (paired-samples T Test-, independent- samples T Test, leven test, mean, Standard deviation. according to the results of the study and discussion, the researchers conclude following, that the teaching curriculum positive effecting the development of shooting types performance through the development the speed and accuracy performance and access toa balanced relationshipbetweenspeed and accuracy.


Key wards: Speed and accuracy, performance, shooting, handball, players.


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