Effect of some of Entertaining Games and Guiding Programs on Reducing Violent Behavior among Teenagers of Iraq Society

Hassan Salih Mahdi



Many uses of the entertaining games and guiding programs in recent years have led to reduce the emergence of a phenomenon known as "violent behavior". Violent behavior itself is a harmless tool but incorrect usage of mind may lead to the risk of violence which consequently might result in troubles in mental and body health and social relationships. Therefore, the present study aims at investigating the effect of some of entertaining games and guiding programs on reducing violent behavior among teenagers of Iraq society. The present paper is run on the basis of experiment research method. 400teenagersfrom Al Najaf province was selected according to stratified random sampling on the basis of Al Najaf table. Violent behavior Questionnaire (VBQ) was used to measure violent behavior. Descriptive and Inferential statistics have been used to analyze data. The results expose that there is a significant improvement between pre and post-tests of violent behavior, mean of 4.15-2.15. Conclusion of current study showed that entertaining games and guiding programs are the most impact on reducing of violent behavior in teenagers.

Keywords:  Entertaining games, guiding programs, violent behavior, teenagers, Iraq society. 

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