A Study of some Noise Pollution Variables in Sport Halls and Classrooms for College of Sport Education–Tikrit University–Iraq
This paper investigates some of noise pollution variables in sport halls and classrooms for college of sport education- Tikrit University Iraq were studied. These variables are represented in measuring of indoor and outdoor noise for sport halls and classrooms and, calculating the noise damping before and after walls and ceiling coating, calculating the indoor equivalent noise, and calculating signal to noise ratio (SNR) and reverberation time. The results showed that the coating had contributed in noise damping in the large sport hall with a value of 7.33 dB (A). Also the research paper showed that the reverberation time (TR) for large sport hall before was 1.685 seconds while it became 1.151 seconds after coating .This is high TR in spite of the coating is contributing in reducing the TR .With respect to classrooms the indoor noise pollution was higher than recommended levels and TR was within accepted limit and the classroom wall and ceiling coating is contributing in reducing of small value of noise. SNR value was negative before coating and after coating the SNR of front students sitting row was positive only.
Keywords: Noise, variables, sport, classrooms, SNR.
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