Study, Measuring and Vibration Data Analysis for Hip Replacement Patient during Daily Activities

Jumaa S



The older age people are usually suffering from big medical problems due to failure in hip joint, this lead to artificial hip replacement surgery. These troubles give a big engorgement to study, measure and analyze the vibration data and heart straining muscle with patient of replaced artificial hip joint in order to reduce the effect of vibration using different damping unit. This work investigates the frequency, acceleration, and heart straining muscle which will be measured at foot, knee, and hip joint in the patient leg of artificial replacement hip with different damping units. The suggested vibration measurement system was used to measure vibration in the patient leg with artificial replacement hip as a case study. This patient is of age, weight, length and leg length of 26 years, 85 kg, 175 cm and 98 cm respectively. The results showed that the acceleration in X- direction in case without using any damping unit will be (6.07, 1.18, and 0.25) g for (foot, knee, and hip) respectively. These values manifested that there is reduction in the acceleration with 80.5%, and 95.8%, for knee, and hip) respectively in comparison with foot acceleration. Also result exhibited that the best reduction in acceleration is recorded in the case of using the athletic shoe + air ground + silicon as a damping unit with a value of 63.4%, while the best reduction in the heart straining muscle is recorded using the athletic shoe + silicon as a damping unit  with 51.1%



Keywords:  Hip replacement, vibration, heart straining muscle, human body.

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