المعيار المطلق لتقييم مستوى مرونة مفصلي الفخذ لدى الرياضيين

أحمد عبد الوهاب محمد خفاجي


The flexibility is the most important elements of the physical fitness and has a
positive impact on the other physical abilities Although it indicates that many of the
scientists and researchers in the field of measurement and evaluation, until now has
not been determining the levels of flexibility that should be owned by the individual,
There are also many tests of flexibility not just because ignoring individual differences in anthropometry measurements between the laboratories, This is what followed when using relative norm, This applies to the Test of Positive flexibility of hip joint, in addition there is not test to measure the negative flexibility of hip joint, The author has did this study to design test to measure the negative and Positive flexibility of hip joint and to regulate the test by using the absolutely norm, And this new method that takes into account the individual differences between laboratories, and the calculate of the degree depends on the requirements of the test as a system and not on the laboratories, so the degree of the laboratories is fixed and does not change with the sample, and any physical tests have been converted to biomechanical tests, and so we can determine the maximum ability of laboratories in different physical tests, The absolutely norm distinguished by easy, calculate the degree of laboratories quickly, with high exactitude and the ratio of error is almost non-existent, As a complement to my researches of in absolutely norm, which I have codify all physical tests throw it, The author has did this study, using the descriptive method, The study was conducted on a participants of (40 students) of the Faculty of physical Education, University of Sadat City, and the author has reached to design test to measure the negative and Positive flexibility of hip joint, And he has set mathematical equation to evaluate the laboratories in the flexibility test of hip joint, Through this equation we can determine the maximum flexibility of hip joint for each laboratory, It also a author has reached to three method to reveal the degree of laboratories, they are the mathematical method, the charting method and the Tabular method.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11111/assrarabic.v3i1.1280


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