تاثير تعلم اساسيات المبدا الهجومي " READ & REACT " بكرة السلة في تطوير حالة اللعب الفرقي لطلاب كلية التربية الرياضية لجامعة السليمانية

سلوان صالح العامري, ديار محمد صديق, سعيد احمد سعيد


The performance of basketball players determines their characters that gives the effect in all the games that they are being throw for reaching to a great achievements.
The researchers and through their experience in teaching and coaching basketball teams in Iraqi colleges of physical education aim to try new kind of team play offensive system called “ Read & react” to improve some the college team play skills.
The researchers found that: The experimental group has increased the scoring points and decrease the turnovers which means that the team play skills was developed and the team play skills in experimental group was more settled than the other group.
Researcher recommends the following: Focusing and continuing teaching the Read & React to improve skills. The importance of new ideas to get more excitement in teaching Basketball team play skills. Work to include the “read & react “system within the Iraqi university curricula.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11111/assrarabic.v3i1.1287


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