تأثير تقديم التغذية الراجعة في توقيتات مختلفة في تعلم مهاره قفزة اليدين الامامية على بساط الحركات الارضية للطلاب

حيدر محمود


The aim of the research is to identify the effect of feedback in the way of knowing the performance (corrective) and at two different times in learning the skill of jumping hands on the front of the ground movements of students in the first year of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences\ Babylon University. The researcher used the experimental method, while the same sample reached 30 students. The researcher concluded that the feedback in the method of knowledge of the performance time (after 14 minutes of starting the applied activity of the main section) and the curriculum of the study sample has a positive effect on learning The skill of jumping the front hands on the floor mat is better than the passage of 28 minutes.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11111/assrarabic.v4i1.1587


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