ا ثر تمرينات نوعيةو باستلخدام العرض الفيديوي المستمرفي تعلم مسابقة عدو 100 م حواجز ناشئات

نغم حاتم حميد


Thrush or when the two scare hers went to great plays field and their followings to competition field running 100 meter nascent barriers ,they observe that most of players are nascent in Babuls clubs that theirs suffering from a weakness in per for mince of movement stages and difficulty from transition among its parts so its leading to fall in techiest errors. So the effect on achievement distance, further more of difficulty of Giving oral go over feeding by the trainer for each player because this competition contains of numbers of movements and in each movement its required from the player to adjust its techier and transition to another movement . so the researchers saw that they should put grade trainings by using photos and continual video section After that they divided the member of samples random (10 t) in to two groups the first experimental and the second is adsustal . and then the conclusions said that for grade trainings by using continual video display has an effect in learning the member the experimental group to competition 100 meter nascent barriers and superiority of the members of adjustable in Learning process competition 100 meter nascent barriers.in all the period of learning through learning unit in order to help in learning process and adjust the parts of movement and inquiry of the achievement . the purpose of the search to mate aggrade trainings by using cantina video display in learning competition 100 running 1 meter . nascent barriers . Recognizing on the preference of the effect to the competitions by using the continual video display and normal trainings in learning competition 100 running / meter nascent barriers . The searchers used the experimental method to designed the two equivalent groups which are in terrible test and the following test . Because it suitable for the nature of problem that should be solved . and determine the search community by players in babul clubs and they are (14) players from (Al.Mashroa /Al.Mahawiel / Al.Msaied / Al.Niel and Al.kaeft) . the sample of search performed all members of community ,by this it means using comparer save Limitation method to all members of community .

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11111/assrarabic.v5i2.1799


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