Identification of immunogenic soluble protein of Pasteurella multocida

Noor Masyitah Jumahat, Zaini Mohd Zain, Jamal Hussaini Hussaini


Background and objective: Pasteurella multocida is a gram negative bacterium, causative agent of economically significant diseases in domestic animals. Treatments of infected animals are complex and ineffectual due to increasing antibiotic resistance strains. Moreover, the efficacy and safety of available vaccines are limited. The objective of this study is to determine immunogenic soluble protein of Pasteurella multocida capable of protecting animals from infection with acute pasteurellosis. Methods: Bacterial culture strain was cultured in brain heart infusion (BHI) medium.
Soluble proteins were extracted and separated electrophoretically using 12% gradient sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Immunogenic soluble proteins were detected by western blotting using anti-Pasteurella serum raised in rabbit against whole cell antigens of Pasteurella multocida and anti-rabbit antibody. Result: The separation of soluble proteins showed various molecular weights on the gel, ranging from 10kDA to 170kDA. According to the western blot analysis, the most intense band detected was of approximately 28kDA. Conclusion: The detected protein band will be identified and immunogenicity study of soluble protein will be carried out in response to immunogenic roles against pasteurollosis and potential role in vaccine development.

Keywords: Pasteurella multocida; Pasteurollosis; Protein; Immunogenic protein.

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