The Effect of Fluoroquinolone Antibacterials on the Adhesion of E.coli 078 to Buccal Epithelial cells

Asaad Mirza Mohamed, Nidhal AK Mohammed Ali


The effect of three fluoroquinolone antibacterial agent, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, and flumequine on important virulence factors in the adhesion of E.colito epithelial cells was investigated.
Specimens of buccal epithelial cells were obtained from healthy volunteers. The effects of MIC and sub-MICs of ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, and flumequine on the adhesion of E.coli 078 to buccal epithelial cells by in vitro method an bacterial morphology was studied using electron microscope.
The three antibacterial agents significantly reduced the in vitro bacterial adhesion at all concentrations and that ciprofloxacin produced the greatest inhibition. Morphological changes in E.coli shown by electron microscopy were observed with all antibiotics tested with the prominent changes was exhibited by ciprofloxacin.

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