Investigation of Cross Phase Modulation Based on Semiconductor Optical Amplifier in Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror
The performance of optical transmission systems are limited by nonlinear fiber effects in cross phase modulation (XPM). The XPM has an important impact on today's high speed dense wavelength division multiplexing optical fiber communication systems. In order to obtain high conversion speed and strong nonlinearity, semiconductor optical amplifier nonlinear optical loop mirror (SOA-NOLM) is operated with large bias current and high optical powers. This paper study of the investigation of XPM on the SOA based NOLM with reference to variables SOA current, repetition rate and switching window. The SOA is a promising candidate for cascaded optical fiber systems and optical grating because of the entire fiber transmission window and the possibilities for integration and low cost. The operating conditions under which a SOA based NOLM with optical feedback can have two stables modes of operation at switching rate faster than the gain recovery rate of the SOA. Furthermore, signal induced phase shift dependence on bias current of the SOA and optimized loop parameters are also included.
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