The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And Job Performance In Fibrecomm Network (M) Sdn. Bhd.

Muhammad Naim jurit, Mahmoud Almsafr


This research paper investigates the relationship between emotional intelligence which consists of four components: self-emotional appraisal, others’ emotional appraisal, regulation of emotion, use of emotion, and job performance on 100 respondents in Fibrecomm Network (M) Sdn Bhd. The main purpose of this research is to identify the strength of relationship between emotional intelligence components and job performance. This study uses two phases of process in gathering data: a pilot study and the actual study. Sample size is determined by Isaac and Michael’s (1981) sample size chart. A Normality test was conducted via using Skewness and Kurtosis test. Reliability test used Cronbach Alpha and the correlation between variables is tested using Pearson Correlation coefficient ‘r’. Results showed that both hypotheses are accepted which suggested that there is a strong significant relationship between emotional intelligence components and job performance. Strong significant relationship between emotional intelligence components and job performance show that Fibrecomm employee’s emotional intelligence does give impact to their job performance.

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