This research paper was carried out with the intention to identify the relationship between leadership style and motivation. As the turnover rate in Malaysia had been seen increased since 2010, it was then seen as a worrying issues and gave the big impacts to the society especially to youth or fresh graduated category. Since Malaysian industries were getting more established on international and global markets therefore many studies was conducted and been done to highlights the issues and suggested with effective outcomes. However, this study was done to highlights the leadership aspects and motivation factors to suggest the overcome of the problem, as the leader was the one who responsible in keeping their employees happy and loyal with organization and thus will reduce turnover rate in Malaysia. Besides that, this study is expected to suggest a proposal to the relevant organization on the humanity and social impacts on the related groups so that the organization especially the leaders could develop and strengthen their strategies in order to reduce the high turnover rate in Malaysia. Due to cost and time constrains, only one hundred and twenty employers from several of Government-Linked Companies (GLC) located in Klang Valley, were chosen to be the respondent in answering the survey questionnaire but only 90 usable responses were received. The questionnaire will be then analyzed through Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) with Predictive Analytic Software (PASW) version 18, 2009. This study further contributes by providing general overview on employer assumptions, perceptions and acceptance of motivation factors in shaping and developing the organization, particularly Malaysia countries that were previously under researched. Besides that, it is expected that leadership style have positive relationship with motivation toward employees’ job satisfaction.
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