Malaysia’s trend of employment turnover: Study on Generation Y

Nazdratu Hanini Zulbahari, Rosima Bt Alias


This study is about the trend of employment turnover of Generation Y in Malaysia. The objectives of this study is to explore the reasons behind the turnover of Generation Y and to understand the Generation Y employee’s perception towards the turnover in Malaysia. Since Generation Y nowadays is the generation that will take over the job industry in Malaysia, with the study of their trait, behavior and characteristic and their own perceptions, we will be able to understand the reasons over their turnover. Besides, this study will be able to help other researchers to find a way to reduce the turnover among Generation Y later. The organization also will be able to save their time and money on searching new employees. Throughout the study, data were collected using a sampling method involving 72 out of 100 of Generation Y employee’s age between 20 until 37 in Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)’s Bangsar. The choice of this generation is because they are the youth that will rule the country in the future. SPSS Statistics is used in this study for statistical analysis. The reasons for Generation Y’s employment turnover are lack of career advancement, work load, relationship with other colleagues, alternatives job opportunities, job security, and stressed at work. However, Generation Y did not think that training programme is the reason for them to join the organization or to stay in the organization. From the questionnaire, we able to see Generation Y’s perspective on their job. This study is a contribution to Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) to help them to understand and find a possible solution to decrease the turnover among the employees among Generation Y.


Key words : Malaysia, Generation Y, Employment Turnover

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