Nur Nabila Bt Abdul Razak, Rosima Bt Alias, Mahmoud Khalid Almsafir


This research paper was carried out with intention to examine the factors that lead to transfer training and also to identify most influence factor that lead to transfer training among employee in Uniten. Training is important in each of organization. Training activities to help and improve employee’s performance. From training if each employees can improve their performance, company can increase their productivity. As we acknowledge training and development are expensive investment in the most of organization and for that each organization should invest in training and development to develop their employees knowledge and skill for the future. Due to the cost and time constraint only 110 employee of Uniten is chosen to be the respondent in answering the questionnaire. Total only 100 questionnaire that are usable responses we received from the employees that we analyzed through SPSS (Version 22). The result indicated transfer design, motivation and work environment. Result shows that work environment are most influence factors that lead transfer training.

Keywords: Employee, Uniten, Training, work environment.


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