The impact of management commitment to service quality and customer satisfaction: A Review of Saudi Arabia public service sector

Awad Abomaleh Abomaleh, Ibrahim Zahari Zahari


This study aims to explore the mediating role of employee involvement in the links between management commitment to service quality, employee performance, and customer satisfaction in an immigration department at Saudi International Airports. Self-administered questionnaire will use in this study to collect the related data to examine the relationship between management commitment to service quality and employee involvement and how employee involvement affects employee performance and customer satisfaction and test whether employee involvement mediates the management commitment to service quality, employee performance, and customer satisfaction. Data will collect through distributing two kinds of questionnaires. One for frontline employees to measure management commitment to service quality, employee involvement, and employee performance, and another for their customers to measure their satisfaction.

Keywords: Management Commitment, Service Quality, Employee Involvement, Employee Performance, Customer Satisfaction, Saudi Arabia.

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