Drivers of Employees Work Motivation in Malaysian Private Company

Omar Kassim Shaban, Rusinah bt Siron


Background: Motivation continues to be a widely researched topic in both by academics and commercial firms. Motivational factors like rewards and recognition, opportunity for employee development play an important role in increasing employee job satisfaction.
Objectives:The purpose of this study is to examine and gain a better understanding of the drivers that influence the employee motivation in a private company in Malaysia.
Methods: Data were gathered from 30 exempt staff members through questionnaires and was being analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20. Data collected were analysed using mean item score, descriptive statistical tools and correlation analysis to test the correlation between different factors and motivation.
Results: Among the 30 participants of this study, there was 17(56%) females and the rest were males. In terms of Qualification, majority earned college degree (83.3%). About 53.3% of participants were administrative staff and 23.3% were managers and the rest were either co-supervisors 13.3% or supervisors 10%. The highest correlation was found between nature of work and employee motivation. Achievement was found to be the second high correlation with motivation and recognition the third highly correlated with motivation
Conclusion: The study also confirmed that pay and work natures are the most motivating factors among employee of the private company. The motivation was not affected by characteristics of individuals.
Keywords: Motivational Factors, Age and Gender, Employee development, Rewards and recognition.

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