تأثير أنواع التكتيك الخططي على المعرفة الخططية والأداء الخططي اللاعبين الشباب بأعمار ) 16 - 17 ( سنه بكرة القدم في بطولة منتخبات شباب محافظات الف ا رت الأوسط للموسم 2014 - 201
Objective of present study is to know the effect of kinds of tactical tactic on tactical knowledge and tactical performance of football young players aged (16-17) years in championship of middle Euphrates provinces for 2014-2015 season. Researcher used descriptive approach with survey method because it is suitable to the nature of the study. Study community included teams of youth of the middle Euphrates provinces for 2014-2015 seasons such as (Babyl, Najaf, Qadisiyah, and Karbala). The most important of conclusions, we found there is a weak in tactical tactic of young players and the ratio of the attack using (4-3-3) higher than the ratio of the other two which amounted (76.95), while the percentage of attacks respectively (4-4-2) and (4-5-1) to (58.33) and (39.24).
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11111/assrarabic.v0i0.1304
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