تدريب الركض عمى وفق قانون الزخم الخطي وتأثيره في تطوير بعض الم ا رحل الخاصة لسباق ركض 100 متر لمشباب

صريح عبدالكريم الفضمي


The major accomplishments achieved globally in the competitions distance short suggest that there are many methods and means and science assistance used to shorthand time in these competitions and win, and one of these methods is the practical application of the laws of mechanical training, specifically Payment Act force and its association with the momentum achieved , to determine the severity of training for this distance, as this law is linked to the efforts hostility at every moment push through jogging to accomplish the job required, steadily body mass, and thus it can take into account the strength training through the use of this law and determine the severity of training according to him, which vary inevitably intensity of conventional force in the training fast running.
Dish search on a sample of hostile national team youth distances short, tests were performed tribal, then apply the exercises according to severity of new, testing posteriori, and conclude researcher that all tests physical evolved significantly as a result use intensity training new, as appeared evolution in variables speed and power explosiveness and quick and step frequency, length and achievement. The researcher recommended that the use of these new intensity and take advantage of the Payment Act indicators strength and momentum shifts in training sprinters.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11111/assrarabic.v5i1.1784


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