استخدام المصفوفة الماركوفية لتقدير اعداد الطلبة الخريجين في كلية التربية

عائده يونس محمد


The research aims to use Markov chains in appreciate postgraduate in the physical education college in the university of mosul Afte 2013 depending on available data in register and commuter in the college from the umber of the students (post graduate , dissmist and registered) .
In the field of appreciating dada in temporal chain from 2012 in each stage .
And the results reach (3) in 3 years in future represented I the following years (2013-2014-2015).
Through the results the approximate values which used in markov matrix is the best method used in knowing future values.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11111/assrarabic.v5i3.1833


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