استخدام وتوظيف تكنولوجيا الاتصالات والمعلومات في أدارة وتشغيل مرافق وخدمات الضيافة كمؤشر على انتشار وشيوع منهجية ذكاء الأعمال في أعمال صناعة الضيافة

مثنى طه الحوري


When reviewing both the Information Industry (II) and the Hospitality Industry (HI), one finds many similarities and notices numerous common features and recognizes quite few mutual characteristics, to the extent that one would conclude that these two industries must share so much cooperation and stand upon so wide a common ground, and that the first must have heavily utilized what the second offers in the form of technologies (Information Technologies) programs (Software) and systems (Hardware), to achieve a competitive advantages to its growth and development, its products and services and its customers. These technologies (hardware and software) have become the bases to what has been called (Business Intelligence) a term meaning the use of these IT tools to give corporate decision- makers different views into sets of business data and to enable managers and business leaders to achieve better decisions.
Yet, these expectations are suffocated when one realizes how little these benefits have been, how narrow the extent of utility has been and how difficult the adaptation of these systems has been. This realization is concluded when one reviews systematically the various Information Technology (IT) systems and applications available to the Hospitality Industry in general, to its main sectors (Transportation, Accommodation, Food & Beverages, Travel Production the Tourists Receiving Sector … etc.) and to its specialized establishments - Tourist Business Organizations (Hotels, Restaurants, Travel Agencies… etc.). These systems and applications, although numerous, varied and easily accessible, don’t appear to be receiving the expected high level of use and applications within these establishments and sectors and thus losing their potential for better decision- making.
To point out the reasons beyond these limited uses, narrow adaptation and few applications, and to evaluate the extent of the constraining elements causing this situation, the study reviews and evaluates the situation in light of seven criteria- the HI’s Main Sectors, the Specialized Tourist-Business Establishments, the Information Technologies, Management Practices and Managers within the (HI), the Workers, the HI’s Customers and finally the Organic, Administrative and Cultural Composition and Peculiarities of the Tourist Business Organization. This review led to a final evaluative note regarding the ability and readiness of the (HI) to use, benefit and utilize what the (IT) has made possible and available so as to be able to make better decisions through Business Intelligence.
At the end, the study puts forward a futuristic final conclusion, based upon past trends and present indicators, regarding the interactive and complementary relationships between the two industries, along with future expectations, which all point out to a strengthening relations in the form of an extended, widespread use and utilization which will lead to larger benefits and greater advantages to the Hospitality Industry from the Information Industry and Information Technologies toward sound decision- making mechanism .

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