Impact of computer display style to learn a serving in volleyball

Shaima Khamis, Sabeha Sarhan, Hudhaifah Al Harbi


In the course of chased the physical education lessons as well as recent learning understands in physical education colleges and their departments, the researchers observed a lack of interest to serving learn by using recent methods which depend on recent technical systems and computer programs through display and explain the skill and its accuracy parts by sample of players and performance of every player and effect of corners of the movement as well as lake of using recent scientific methods so the study shows the important of using learning methods and schedule them to serve the learning operation specially with difficult skills such (Serving skill), organizing of learning procedure and using a recent scientific methods are to rise the learning level and achieve of learning operation objectives to serve the skill. The study aimed to identify impact of computer learning style to learning the serve in volleyball, the researchers used experimental approach for equal groups because it is suitable to the nature of the problem which need to solve, the number of subjects was (20) students, was divided into two equal groups, study concluded that using of computer learning methods effect in learning of serving skill in volleyball, in addition various of skill learning methods help to speed the learning operation of the students.    

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