The Impact of Leadership style as a Moderator Variable on the Relationship between Leadership practices and Organizational Performance Analytical Study on Jordanian Commercial Banks
The purpose of the study is to examine the impact of Leadership both transformational and transactional style as a Moderator Variable on the Relationship between leadership practices and Organizational Performance, Analytical Study on Commercial Banks on Jordan. The questionnaire was developed and distributed to the higher managerial employees and the middle managerial employees (General Manager, Assistant General Manager, head of department, assistant head of department and Branch manager). The researchers used the multiple regression and hierarchy regression analysis to measure the impact of Leadership practices on Organizational Performance and leadership style both transformational and transactional style as a Moderator Variable on the Relationship between leadership practices and Organizational Performance. The present study of the relationship between leadership practices and organizational performance had an positive effect, also the interaction between leadership practices and leadership style (transformational and transactional style)were positive. To add to the current problems that Iraq is facing now, a dispute between Iraq’s‟ federal government and Kurdistan’s regional government over foreign investment in Kurdistan’s oil reserves have risen even more with very fast developments in the country which will show its effect on the FDI patterns in petroleum sector.
Keywords: Leadership, Style, Practices, Performance, Banks, Jordan.
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