ASSR is an open access journal, aims at rapid publication of concise research papers of a broad interest in Physical education fields. Subject areas include all the current fields of interest represented by the Committees of the Design Scientific Renaissance. ASSR welcomes papers and articles in sport and physical education, fields of ASSR includes but not limited to: sport for all; Exercise physiology; Moths of training and coaching;Sport’s performance and analysis
JACSTR is an open access journal, aims at rapid publication of concise research papers of a broad interest in computer science and information technology fields.
JALOR aims at rapid publication of concise research papers of a broad interest in laser and optics fields. Subject areas include all the current fields of interest represented by the Committees of the Design Scientific Renaissance. JALOR accepts papers and articles in fields, including but not limited to the following: Actuator; Detectors; Ferroelectric And Ferromagnetic Materials; Filters; Holography; Laser Accessories And Optics
Journal of Advanced Medical Research (JAMR) is an open access journal, provides rapid publication of various articles in the fields of Medical, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Comparative Veterinary and Medical sciences, and related disciplines. JAMR seeks to publish experimental and theoretical research results of outstanding significance in the form of original articles, reviews, case reports, short reports, or letters to the editor.
JASER is an open access journal, aims at rapid publication of concise research papers of a broad interest in science and engineering fields. Subject areas include all the current fields of interest represented by the Committees of the Design Scientific Renaissance.
JMMR aims at rapid publication of concise research papers of a broad interest in marketing fields. JMMR welcomes papers and articles in marketing fields, including but not limited to the following: Consumer behavior; CRM; Customer Knowledge Management; Advertising economies; Consumer modeling; Marketing research; Interactive marke
The Journal of Purity, Utility Reaction & ENVIRONMENT focuses upon six aspects of chemical engineering: chemical reaction engineering, environment chemical engineering, and materials synthesis and processing, catalyst surface reaction, optimization and control.
Mengenal apa itu crypto
by aa aaaa (2022-06-23)
In response to Hellp
Transaksi uang secara umum selalu melibatkan bagian -bagian yang memediasi semua transaksi, seperti bank.
Tetapi di dunia cryptocurrency, tidak ada bank atau permainan ini. Semua bertanggung jawab atas uang mereka sendiri.
Tanpa kebenaran
Saat menggunakan cryptocurrency, Anda tidak perlu percaya pada siapa pun dalam sistem.
Dari penjelasan sebelumnya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa cryptocurrency adalah mata uang digital yang dapat digunakan untuk transaksi antara pengguna tanpa perlu melalui pihak ketiga.
Selain menggunakannya sebagai alat transaksi, banyak pengguna menggunakan cryptocurrency sebagai instrumen investasi.
Ini disebabkan oleh pasang surut cryptocurrency. Semakin banyak orang percaya pada cryptocurrency, semakin besar nilainya.
Fungsi cryptocurrency
Beli barang atau jasa
Saat ini, ada banyak toko yang mulai memaksakan cryptocurrency sebagai alat pembayaran, termasuk dua perusahaan yang dikenal dan Newgg.
Anda juga dapat menggunakan cryptocurrency di banyak restoran, hotel, penerbangan, aplikasi, dan bar. Bahkan, dikutip oleh Cointelegraph, ada universitas yang juga memberlakukan cryptocurrency.
Namun, sebagian besar perusahaan ini baru saja menerima Bitcoin.
Fungsi lain dari cryptocurrency adalah investasi.
Berita teknologi dan crypto - Pada awal cryptocurrency itu populer, harganya terus meningkat secara tiba -tiba. Tidak mengherankan bahwa banyak orang "kaya" tiba -tiba setelah berinvestasi melalui cryptocurrency.
Prinsipnya kurang lebih sama dengan prinsip ekonomi, yaitu harga akan meningkat ketika ada banyak tuntutan.
Semakin banyak orang berinvestasi dengan cryptocurrency, semakin banyak harganya akan meningkat. Namun, akhir -akhir ini kenaikan harga mata uang digital tidak signifikan beberapa tahun yang lalu.
Investasi cryptocurrency juga termasuk dalam kategori risiko tinggi.